Marcos Contreras

Teatro Mestizo
Macho bag, Indocumentada Angustia and other plays

-Español, Spanglish, Caló and English plays and actos-

-1ra. Edición ,  marzo 2023—

260 páginas. Editorial Orbis Press
Turlock, California.
Edición impresa. Print edition

ISBN (13): 978-1-931139-83-0  

Precio del Libro
$25.00 USD c/u
$4.00 USD de Empaque y envío dentro de Estados Unidos

To purchase this book, contact the author directly/ Para adquirir esta obra, contacte directamente al autor:

Marcos Contreras
Professor of Spanish
Modesto Jr. College
Modesto, California 95350
Phone/Tel: (209) 575-6186


This book took work. I started in 2016 collecting and editing actos, full-length plays, reviewing advertisement fliers, journal articles, photos, programs, thank you letters from organizations and Chicano leaders, and above all, the collective memory of some members of Teatro Mestizo. The result: A collection of actos and plays that best represents the group and their history through the years. From the glory days of the Chicano Theater Movement, our group is just one of the many more that should be documented… before it gets forgotten from memory. Someone had to do it. Not so much for literary recognition, but for historical purposes instead. Like all work, which tries to recover the history of a group of crazy, rebellious, and "revolutionaries" Chicanos/as, this one is ours. And ours may be similar or different from others. This depends on the geographical area of action and the level of political activity in each entity. Chicano/as students from San Diego State University gave it life in 1969, and from there began a long pilgrimage that continued at El Centro Cultural de la Raza in San Diego, El Barrio de Shell Town in San Diego, La Casa de la Raza in Santa Bárbara, and ends up at Modesto Jr. College in 2006.

About the author

Marcos A. Contreras has been involved in the Chicano Theatre Movement since 1973. His participation has been mostly with El Teatro Mestizo. As an actor, writer, and director, Mr. Contreras produced and edited most, if not all, full-length plays and actos.

Sobre el autor

Marcos A. Contreras ha estado involucrado en el Movimiento Teatral Chicano desde 1973. Su larga participación ha sido con El Teatro Mestizo de San Diego, Califas. Como actor, escritor y director, Marcos ha editado y escrito la mayoría de la producción dramática de El Teatro Mestizo.


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